‘Very Flawed’: Hayes Blasts India’s ‘Dismissive’ Tactics in Kashmir Against Demonstrators

On “America’s Newsroom” today, Steve Hayes and Pat Flynn discussed the harsh tactics used by India to combat the protest movement in Kashmir.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration has deployed troops to break up demonstrations and execute a deadly crackdown against protesters.

Last week, the Indian government arrested and deported a Pakistani lawyer and fellow activist in Lahore, Pakistan, after he was caught trying to enter Kashmir to help law enforcement end a “son of a bitch” attack that killed two Indian soldiers last month.

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Flynn said it would appear as though New Delhi was trying to “distort the battlefield” and “drum up nationalism” among India’s majority Hindus and ethnic groups.

Hayes accused India of seeking to “rile up” its people, and he said that could cause the country’s strategic partners — the U.S. and Pakistan — to question India’s behavior.

Flynn said that stance by the U.S. could become even more critical in an election year.

“I think it’s a precarious moment politically for the United States,” he said.

Watch more above.

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